How To Download Your Linkedin Contacts

Being an IT recruiter I'm very active on LinkedIn to expand my network amongst IT professionals. LinkedIn has become a realt want to depend too much on the (expensive) LinkedIn solutions to store the data obtained by its recruiters. That's why many companies want to import this data as fast as possible into their own ATS/database.

  1. How To Download Your Linkedin Contacts
  2. How To Download Your Linkedin Contacts For Mac

I wrote this post as a guide to export your LinkedIn contacts, import it into Excel and to create a workable file in a couple of minutes.


How to export LinkedIn contacts into Excel? April 5, 2013 April 5, 2013 Losing your contacts or not having access to your account is something that can potentially happen to anyone on social networks, whether erasing your account knowingly, getting hacked, banned or any other type of situation that revokes access from you. (Last Updated On: August 18, 2018). Users are searching for queries like “how to export LinkedIn connections into Excel Sheet or how to download LinkedIn. Tips for exporting contacts and other data from the new LinkedIn. Information that can be retrieved and steps for accessing your LinkedIn data and contacts. Toggle navigation START A PROJECT. Once again you can export all of your contacts into an Excel file with their name, job title, and email with a few simple clicks. LinkedIn plans to refine the download process to mitigate third.

How To Download Your Linkedin Contacts

  • LinkedIn is a great business networking tool Click To Tweet How To Download LinkedIn Contacts Step 1. Click the My Network icon that is found at the top bar.
  • LinkedIn has removed the option to export your contacts. Instead, the company is asking users to request an archive of their data, but that process can take up to 72 hours to complete.
  • May 29, 2017 - And yet these contacts remain locked inside LinkedIn – till now! This how-to will help you export your contacts from LinkedIn and, importantly,.

1. Exporting LinkedIn contacts
You can export all your LinkedIn contacts to a .cvs file and import this file into Excel.
- Step 1: Go to your LinkedIn homepage and click on the tab 'Connections'
- Step 2: Click to 'Settings' symbol in the top right corner of the page
- Step 3: Click 'Export Linkedin Connections' in the right column on the page
- Step 4: Choose 'Microsoft Outlook (.CSV file)' and click 'Export'
- Step 5: Save the document
2. Import your exported contacts into a workable Excel file
You can't save all of the data of your LinkedIn contacts, but you will have First Name, Last Name, E-mail address, Company & Job title. This is how you do it:

How To Download Your Linkedin Contacts For Mac

- Step 1: Open your saved .cvs file in Excel
- Step 2: Go to 'Data' in the tab section and click 'Text to columns'
- Step 3: Choose 'Seperated', click next, choose 'Comma', click next, choose 'complete'
Step 4: Clean up the empty columns and you're ready!
Now you have a workable file, especialy when you apply filters to it. Now you can import this .cvs or .xls file into your ATS/database and the contacts will be stored into your database.
Note: When exporting your LinkedIn contacts, LinkedIn only gives you First & Last Name, Email Address, Company and Job title.