You can also download audio books with iTunes and listen to books on your computer or iPod; learn more about downloading audio books in this iTunes video lesson. This guide will show you how to get audiobook from iTunes to iPhone in two. Click on Sync Audiobooks and then choose the audiobook you downloaded just. See Optimal iTunes Import Settings for Audiobooks for instructions for configuring iTunes to import audiobooks. Then move on to the next steps, where you actually import the audiobook tracks. These instructions are written for iTunes 10, but should work without significant modification in iTunes 9 and even iTunes 8. Importing MP3 Audiobooks. How to Transfer Audiobook from iTunes to iPhone via iTunes. Download the audiobook you want from iTunes. Connect your iPhone to computer with a USB cable. Click on iPhone icon at iTunes window and then in below menu choose Audiobooks. Click on Sync Audiobooks and then choose the audiobook you downloaded just now.
This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices.
How To Download Audiobooks From Itunes

Thousands of FREE audiobooks await. Whether you're stuck in traffic, powering through your workout or cramming for an English test—Audiobooks puts the most beloved audiobooks at your finger tips.
Now with Apple Watch support! You can now control the playback of your audiobooks right from your wrist. Easily select from books in your library, switch chapters, or control playback. The included Glance view (accessible from the Apple Watch's clock) shows you the currently playing book and how far you are in the current chapter.
Or if you don't have time for an audiobook you can listen to a Podcast instead. Podcasts are like your own personalized radio station, proving a steady stream of topical, fun episodes to enjoy.
In addition to the great free content, we also include a growing collection of premium audiobooks for your enjoyment. These include professionally narrated modern best sellers and hand-selected classics edited for maximum quality.
Features include:
- Thousands of fantastic, free Audiobooks for you to choose from
- A carefully curated collection of Podcasts to enjoy
- Offline download perfect for your commute
- Background and AirPlay enabled playback
- Dark Mode to be easy on your eyes at night
- Fully customizable Sleep Timer.
What’s New
This update includes dramatic improvements to the way downloads are handled, which should improve their reliability and speed.
Additionally, it adds compatibility with new devices and operating systems.
How To Move Audiobooks From Itunes To Ibooks
The selections are great!
For me, it’s wonderful to listen to a book while drawing, knitting, or even cooking. What a great way to multi-task! When I become too distracted, the 30 second repeat gets me right back into the story, and I just discovered the timer which will hold my place and turn the app off automatically, after I fall asleep while listening in bed. Since I often leave my earbuds in and wake up next morning, many hours later, with the audio still running, this is really important to me.
The selection of books is tremendous, and I am enjoying so many well known authors who’s works I hadn’t read before, as well as authors I was previously unfamiliar with. Sometimes I have difficulty understanding an orators dialect, but when I stick with it, am becoming able to comprehend the words readily, which is an unexpected bonus for me.
When deciding on what to select, the book description is broad enough to give a good idea of what it’s about, without giving away the story. I recommend this app to anyone who enjoys books!
Great fun!
I really enjoy this app and use it frequently. My literary interests have almost always dwelt in long ago and lesser known titles, and this app gives me access to tomes nearly impossible to find anywhere else. I give it only four stars because the search function can be rather problematic. For example; I’ll search for titles written by a certain author and only be given a few choices, but if I look up that author under the actual Authors section, there are dozens more. Or I’ll search for a title and the results give about twenty other titles along with it that seem to have no connection to that title at all. Sometimes this is because my title was mentioned in the description of the other books, but other times not. There have been other difficulties with the search function, but for the sake of conciseness, I won’t mention them here. I have also noticed that many of the titles available on the Librivox website are not available here; I’m not sure if the reason for this, but it would be great to have access to them as well. Also, it can be very time consuming to find a title that captures my interest and holds onto it as well, so I wanted to suggest the addition of a “recommended for you” section that brings up available titles based on your previous listening selections. I believe this would seriously streamline the process and increase the enjoyment of your app. Thanks!
Bad app problem
Ever since I got this app it was good to have. Until this happen. I had a library of books that has been downloaded with all the files, when I open the app, every downloading files are gone and start yet again download them once more. This happen to me twice and I'm sick and tired of having all the files downloaded for only the app self delete the books files. I'm done with this app. I used to love it and I enjoy it listening good books from there; just hate the idea of auto self destruct app and start over. I have zero time to waste for all the books files to be downloaded.

Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

- Plus Unlimited$7.99
- Remove Ads$0.99
- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The$0.99
Download Audiobook Torrents
How To Download Audiobooks From Itunes To Iphone
Family Sharing
With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app.